Friday, September 12, 2008

The Subang way of life.

So one fine day.. i realised that theres sumthing in common with subanganites... its sumthing so distinct you can just tell that some1 is from subang.

so here it goes..

First of all.. in accordance to the Subang way of life, one must always lanci with all his might and ability. Never be modest and also elaborate ur capabilities to every1. Let it be a long finger or a shinnier hair, mayb a bigger wallet or a heavier lunch u ate... everything and anything at all that is positively skewed is worth boasting,  so boast about it and do it proudly and loudly.

And when some1 gives you a compliment.. dont go around saying things like 'no la.. no la..' whether thecompliment is true or not, just say sumthing like "o yea.. thx for stating the obvious.. i actually have not even released 1/4 of my true potential.. but thx anyway for complimenting the obvious"..... that.. is the Subang way of accepting compliments.

Then theres this thing about sports.. Subang ppl tend to be better at sports not requiring dramatic movement, ie:DOtA, Pool, Darts, Foosball. If you see a pro basketball or football player or any other pro of any other sports requiring fast movements, he's probably not from Subang.. (most likely from sabah/sarawak/terrenganu, where they get training from chasing wild boars and running from mad dogs) Here in Subang, the only thing ppl need to run away from are angry mums holding rotans..

Finally, take note of the way Subanganites do things.. its sumthing called 'attitude'. Subanganites dont really care much about anything. The only thing they care about is looks and the 'cosmetic' side of everything.. 
i) playing basketball - who gives a shit if you get the ball thru the hole and score a point..  so marking your teammate is OK, hogging the ball when you are surrounded by another 5 players is also OK. If the referee blows the whistle, throw the ball right into his face, the crowd might applaud. What counts is that you look good bouncing that shit.. the score? to hell with it!

ii) cars - When would any1 actually need to drive a car at it's max speed of 320 kmph? in fact, its more important to drive the car slowly then rev the engine car loudly without making the car move fast to give sufficient time for ppl to glance at the car and wonder which make it is.

iii) exercising/working out - How heavy you lift and how good your stamina counts for nuts ! wats important it that those biceps fit into an XXL shirt.. after that, its ok if the max weight it can carry is a bowl of taufu.

From this you can tell that Subanganites are all about the looks. You never have to actually be good at anything.. you just need to LOOK like ur good at it.. its OK to suck after that. 


Anonymous said...

Funny wei
True oso.
Wish u all the best to be a TRUE Subangnite.

DaVIdnG said...

andrew, you missed out a point.. subangnite never see the real world.. find a wild animal in the city of kuching and i will treat u lunch..

andrewL said...

david.. i found 1.. he was the 2nd person to post a comment here.

Anonymous said...

andrew..i'm also a subang-ite..haha..and yes..i agree with you about some points.. =P