Saturday, April 11, 2009

Study break

And so it begins again like how it has always been for the past 3 semester. And this time.. like all other times.. we'll make it through together.. one way or another !

All the best in enduring the 5 weeks of shit. Whenever you feel the stress, just bare in mind that another 104 people from B107 are feeling the exact same shit.. so dont fret.. just Laugh out loud.. and then shut up and continue studying.

All the best to everyone! cya in 3 weeks :-)

Ps: please take good care of your health and drink enough water.. dont let yourself get sick (like me)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A retarded weekend.

So heres how the weekend goes..

Tried to start studying..
and the result? --> a grand total of 1/2 a full lecture fliped thru with understanding that approaches 0.

Time flew.. or rather.. crawled.. at a bizzarely slow rate.
And then it was sunday night.. I felt so tired i slept at 8.. only to wake up at 10.. with fever and recurrent TB-cough. Great-- eh?

Being a semi-genius.. what did i do? Rendam myself in cold water.. and stone for 20 minutes.
Results? -- Fever went off.. like a miracle. In exchange for a flu and dripping mucus (eeww)
But i guess its a fair trade-off eh?

So thats the end of the weekend.

How did the 'good' week start?...
Drove on an empty highway at a lil above the speed limit.. only to spot some idiot with a camera stoning at the side of the road.. WHAT A JACKASS !! (- RM450 from next month's allowance)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fools day.... NOT !!

the time now is 2.13..... i got conned... so bloody badly.. twice by one person.. another time by another person.. 3times in total...

I hate this day...