So heres how the weekend goes..
Tried to start studying..
and the result? --> a grand total of 1/2 a full lecture fliped thru with understanding that approaches 0.
Time flew.. or rather.. crawled.. at a bizzarely slow rate.
And then it was sunday night.. I felt so tired i slept at 8.. only to wake up at 10.. with fever and recurrent TB-cough. Great-- eh?
Being a semi-genius.. what did i do? Rendam myself in cold water.. and stone for 20 minutes.
Results? -- Fever went off.. like a miracle. In exchange for a flu and dripping mucus (eeww)
But i guess its a fair trade-off eh?
So thats the end of the weekend.
How did the 'good' week start?...
Drove on an empty highway at a lil above the speed limit.. only to spot some idiot with a camera stoning at the side of the road.. WHAT A JACKASS !! (- RM450 from next month's allowance)
take care andrew
i think police did a very good job!
oh andrew...
make sure u go to clinic
and get well soon
and dun spread to others
hope you get better soon!
go and hydrate yourself... take a day off to rest.
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