Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Before and now, the beautiful life in IMU

It seems like a blink of an eye since the first time i came into bpharm, but time flies so fast and i'm already in 3rd year.
I still remember the days of semester 3 and 4. It was a time of pain, depression and sadness. I was barely hanging by a string then, and my one and only outlet for releasing tension would be my blog. Coincidentally, i even found one of my posts being one of the top 3 results when the words "Bpharm IMU opinion" are being searched. Well, the post brings back the agonies from those days. And honestly, if i went back to sem 3 and not go thru sem 4 and 5, i would most likely be writting that again.
But today is not one of those days, today is one and a half years later or 3 semesters later. Today's me has survived the storm and came out a better man, and through that storm now i see bright rays from the sun shining thru the cloud.. i can now throughly say - I CAN SEEN THE LIGHT !

From the hardship and pain i was put through, i now realize it was all part of the essential socialization needed to create the best. And from all these pains, now i can announce to everyone that all this has given rise to a new sensation within me that burns so strongly for my profession and this course. This sensational feeling is is a never-before-felt-kinda-thing which i shall call: SLOVE (super-love). Once you have achieved a certain level of awareness necessary to feel the Slove, you would realize that you would never even need to have sex again!

For all aspiring pharmacist reading this:
I can honesly say from the bottom of my heart that Bpharm is the best course available (provided you have the balls it takes to pass sem 3 and 4 without going senile) and that the whole of b107 would welcome you into this paradise.

For all my coursemates:
I would just want to tell you all how fortunate I am to have you all go through this journey with me. Seeing every single person around me getting grades way-way higher than me motivates me to become like the rest of my batch.

I still rmb the last time when i rated sem 4. Since things have changed so much for me, Out of 5: my rating for Bpharm is now:

A perfect 5:

+ 1

Only now, am i throughly feeling the SLOVE !


Anonymous said...

I am going to quote you and you'll never live this down..."I don't need sex"

Darrell KTL said...

Andrew i can see your veins so clearly on your hand. I think you are having varicose vein.

andrewL said...

Thats not the issue we will be discussing here..

ζ–ŒδΈ–ζ— εŒ said...

waoo.. comment no 4

DaVIdnG said...

andrew doesn't need sex anymore...

Anonymous said...

He said he does not need sex again...is lumster trying to hint he has had sex before??andrew ur hand is not counted k!!

Anonymous said...

I may share the same opinion abt IMU but I don't think I care enough to want to write anything about it. It's depressing!