Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fate, Destiny and GENETICS !

I remember once saying that fate and destiny are similar in a sense that it somehow influences your life. Fate can change, though difficult, but changing it is still possible. Destiny cannot change, because it does not involve you but instead involves the world around you.

So lately, i've just discovered something new.. Guess what? Fate and Destiny has a new friend.. GENETICS.

But unlike fate and destiny that involves you and everything around you, Genetics only meddles with YOU, as a slave to molecules.

So here's how it works: Everything we do, everything we feel, everything we think.. every move, every thought, every action and every perception we make is based on our BRAIN. The brain, is a mass of highly specialised cells which originated from the fusion of 1 cell from mum, and another from dad which divided and differentiated based on codes and commands within our DNA.

So what i'm trying to say.. is that every action we make is based on how the cells in our brain react to external stimuli. And every reaction we give involved several processes on the cellular level, and everything that happens on the cellular level is predominantly controled by the nucleus of each cells based on genetic codings(DNA). Hence, it is safe to say that DNA is the master of our mind, soul and body that dictates our every move. Even me writing this blog entry is something already subconciously encoded into my DNA.

So, in the end, we are.. truely no more than the slaves of genetic codings, like a computer software carrying out its pre-programmed commands. Words like 'personality', 'behaviour', 'kind', 'selfish', 'smart', 'dumb', you, I, We, Them.. are all just personifications of a group of molecules that, through millenias of chemical reactions, acchieved 'self-awareness'...


Kin Man said...

Genetics rocks!!
"I am, therefore I am."

Jessica said...

.. if this was facebook, i would already click the "like" button. srsly the way your brain works in this post.. genetics indeed.