Friday, May 15, 2009

A dramatic EOS examination.

Ahh.. finally eos end.. 5 damn long weeks.. lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, lack of emotion, lack of entertainment.. excess of knowledge. Yeap.. thats what Bpharm is all about, expecially when EOS approaches.

Well, though it might seem that this 5 weeks were full of shit.. but it was actually kinda dramatic.

To start of the drama.. i went to the ball with 2 great people.. had lotsa fun. Was a really enjoyable and memorable night.. should be studying tho.. ;p

Then life continued monotonously for the next 2 weeks.. studying like mindless idiots..
One fine sunday.. while studying at starbucks.. had a bunch of peeps celebrate my b'day for me. Was very nice and thoughtful of them.. love the baloons.. the ice-cream.. everything. Thx a lot ppl!!... i smile whenever i see the balloons hanging in my room =)

So exam started with my b'day on the first day of bloody EOS.. all was not too bad.. Until i overslept the night before pharm anal.. Feeling hopeless and guilty.. i left early to uni to study.. but the hilltop parking was close. So i illegal parked for one day. And my car got crashed and rammed into the pole..
Once again.. thx to all you people for the emotional support.. i'd stone to death otherwise..

Things continued to move on.. friday's skill developement was supposed to be a walk in the park.. but crap.. anxiety shot my blood to the brain.. what a bad headache to end my EOS with..

But other than that.. this exam.. feels like watching a drama movie..
and now that exam is over... I MISS MY CAR !!!!!!
and i dont even know how 2 write a blog post anymore..
Owh well... happy holidays to every1.. this time.. like all others.. it is a well deserved holiday, so enjoy till your hearts content :D


ζ–ŒδΈ–ζ— εŒ said...

andrew... nothing to say... bring laptop tonight

km-y said...

hope your car gets fixed soon. enjoy the holidays.. =)